The term Kamikaze was adopted by our JukuCho to represent the spirit of this gym. To put everything you have into it. To have enough fuel to get you there, but not enough to return. Like the kamikaze pilots of old, committed only to one purpose. We are the oldest kickboxing clubs on Okinawa.

All of us volunteer our time, resources, and energy to this dojo. We are a family here. We work together, train together, fight together, and hang out together. We make each other stronger. - Kamikaze Juku

Okinawa Japan, Kickboxing and MMA Update: 26 NOV 2013

Wow its been a busy couple of weeks. Todaka has been training like a boss and it has all paid off. He beat his opponent by KO on Sunday. The knockout came via a knee to the face in the second round. So yea that's Awesome.

Legend 4 went off without a hitch and every fighter that was sent from Okinawa won their match. I did raise an eyebrow that Bob Sapp lost though. Not that I think Bob Sapp is a great kickboxer (not that he's bad one either) But the fact is that he's 350 freaking lbs and his opponent had never won a professional kickboxing bout. So congratulations to Nishijima Yosuke

I wish everyone a great Thanksgiving Weekend.

Writer : Unknown ~ Information on Kickboxing and MMA in Okinawa

Article Okinawa Japan, Kickboxing and MMA Update: 26 NOV 2013 Is Published By Unknown on Tuesday, November 26, 2013. Feel free to comment 0 Comments: for Okinawa Japan, Kickboxing and MMA Update: 26 NOV 2013