The deal will go for 24 hours at the time of change over and the clock is ticking in the upper right hand corner. You can make as many single purchases as you want in that 24 hours or until the item sells out. So you might want to make your daily check at changeover because hot items sell out fast. Regardless, once the timer hits 00:00 its gone!
One other cool thing about the guys over there is that they only charge a flat 5 bones for shipping. Now it would be great if they could ship different orders in the same box but all orders are shipped and charged separate. I'm sure they have a good reason for doing this, I'm guessing it keeps things a lot more simple.
Just remember that if your military overseas like many of my fighters you need to make sure your shopping on the USA site http://www.mmahq.com/usa . Otherwise it will come up as your host country and charge you for international shipping.
So on to Rolling Deal Days! Every so often MMAHQ (And their sister sites) will have a rolling deal day which is basically these guys on speed. Instead of the normal 1 item per 24 hr deal they put a new item EVERY 20 minutes for 24 hrs. This basically means I lose a lot of sleep..... !!!!! ARG !!!!! and I just missed a sweet deal while typing this! Ring To Cage Deluxe MiM Sparring Gloves .... 35$ all the way up to 24oz...... Sigh .... I gotta go.
Enjoy the deals Brothers and Sisters.
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