The term Kamikaze was adopted by our JukuCho to represent the spirit of this gym. To put everything you have into it. To have enough fuel to get you there, but not enough to return. Like the kamikaze pilots of old, committed only to one purpose. We are the oldest kickboxing clubs on Okinawa.

All of us volunteer our time, resources, and energy to this dojo. We are a family here. We work together, train together, fight together, and hang out together. We make each other stronger. - Kamikaze Juku

End of the year and beginning of the New Year

So its the end of 2013. We have had a pretty good year. We've seen a lot of new faces and its always welcome. To those who have moved on, your always part of the kamikaze family and welcome back home.

The new year is always fun and challenging. The first week is always different because of the Futenma Temple down the road from us. Everything goes crazy with vendors trying to sell food and trinkets. People are everywhere and everything smells like yakitori.

The down side of this is that parking will be blocked off. The Gym will be closed Tuesday and Wednesday but back up and running hot on Thursday. Unless you are on foot its gonna be tough trying to park. I will probably be running in from the house for the next week because of it.

Enjoy the down time and rest up. See you all next Year and lets make it our best year ever!


Writer : Unknown ~ Information on Kickboxing and MMA in Okinawa

Article End of the year and beginning of the New Year Is Published By Unknown on Tuesday, December 31, 2013. Feel free to comment 0 Comments: for End of the year and beginning of the New Year