The term Kamikaze was adopted by our JukuCho to represent the spirit of this gym. To put everything you have into it. To have enough fuel to get you there, but not enough to return. Like the kamikaze pilots of old, committed only to one purpose. We are the oldest kickboxing clubs on Okinawa.

All of us volunteer our time, resources, and energy to this dojo. We are a family here. We work together, train together, fight together, and hang out together. We make each other stronger. - Kamikaze Juku

Merry Christmas... Yep I said it

Everyone gets down on me for being Ebeneezer Scrooge, but I really do wish everyone "Happy Holidays" Politically correct and religiously neutral as the term has become.

Also the gym will be closed tomorrow on Christmas. I would come in but I think my kids would lynch me.

In any case its been a fun week in recovery. All of us are pretty well healed up from Mr. Kamikaze's visit. My index finger is still pretty jammed up which makes for interesting bag work. Mostly because I REALLY don't even want to hold a pencil let alone make repetitive contact with anything. All I keep hearing in my head though is a quote from the movie Sandlot, except mine says "You punch bag like a girl"


Writer : Unknown ~ Information on Kickboxing and MMA in Okinawa

Article Merry Christmas... Yep I said it Is Published By Unknown on Wednesday, December 25, 2013. Feel free to comment 0 Comments: for Merry Christmas... Yep I said it