The term Kamikaze was adopted by our JukuCho to represent the spirit of this gym. To put everything you have into it. To have enough fuel to get you there, but not enough to return. Like the kamikaze pilots of old, committed only to one purpose. We are the oldest kickboxing clubs on Okinawa.

All of us volunteer our time, resources, and energy to this dojo. We are a family here. We work together, train together, fight together, and hang out together. We make each other stronger. - Kamikaze Juku

Okinawa Japan, MMA and Kickboxing Update: 17 Dec 2013

OK So I'm kinda Damaged...

But first things first.

Hamamoto (Zombie) went back to Oita the other weekend to do battle with Gong Way. No surprises or upsets this time. Zombie and his opponent went down the line and came out the other side with a draw. Both teams worked hard. Gong Way worked hard because they had a pit to climb out of. The last event *cough* debacle *cough* they were clearly outmatched. Kamikaze Juku worked hard because... well because that's what we do, Work hard. That's all we know how to do. Its how JukuCho trained us.

On to other things...

Mr. Kamikaze came back on island over the weekend. He makes it back a few times a year and its always a good time. I really think he comes back just to make sure none of us get a big head. So me, Todaka, Zombie, and Mike all took turns sparring with Mr. Kamikaze. The three of us are cycling through rounds while Kamikaze is going 15 rounds straight... And he is still kicking our butts. There is a good reason why he is still the heavyweight champ on Okinawa. This is part of it.


Paco with the Boss!

Writer : Unknown ~ Information on Kickboxing and MMA in Okinawa

Article Okinawa Japan, MMA and Kickboxing Update: 17 Dec 2013 Is Published By Unknown on Wednesday, December 18, 2013. Feel free to comment 0 Comments: for Okinawa Japan, MMA and Kickboxing Update: 17 Dec 2013