The term Kamikaze was adopted by our JukuCho to represent the spirit of this gym. To put everything you have into it. To have enough fuel to get you there, but not enough to return. Like the kamikaze pilots of old, committed only to one purpose. We are the oldest kickboxing clubs on Okinawa.

All of us volunteer our time, resources, and energy to this dojo. We are a family here. We work together, train together, fight together, and hang out together. We make each other stronger. - Kamikaze Juku

Running Hot on Tuesday

I guess everyone had cabin fever over the weekend because today was freaking busy. Got a lot of sparring in today and had a lot of fun too. Toshi San came in so kyokushin sparring was pretty heavy. I think everyone's body is sore after tonight.... Which means no one is probably coming tomorrow LOL. I hope I'm wrong.

Writer : Unknown ~ Information on Kickboxing and MMA in Okinawa

Article Running Hot on Tuesday Is Published By Unknown on Tuesday, October 8, 2013. Feel free to comment 0 Comments: for Running Hot on Tuesday